Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Ethical Leadership And Unethical Behavior Management Essay

Ethical Leadership And Un estimable Behavior prudence EssayEthical leading, is a form of leadership including attri butes much(prenominal) as integrity, trustworthiness, fairness, defraudcern for others, and behaving ethically. A much systemic definition divides ethical leaders into two divides m vocal persons and moral managers (Trevio, Hartman, Brown, 2000).For moral persons, it refers to the ethical part of the precondition ethical leadership, suggesting that ethical leaders should be moral persons who be honest, trustworthy, taking good care and be fair to their retainers, having right behaviors in both ad hominem and professional lives.For moral managers, it refers to the leadership part, focusing on much(prenominal) transactional efforts to mold the ethical behavior of followers (Trevino, Brown Hartman, 2003). As moral managers, ethical leaders communicate with their subordinates about their ethical and value- found expectations, use reward and punishment to en courage ethical conduct or prevent unethical behaviors. (Trevio Brown, 2004).As ethical behaviors refer to behaviors that are generally morally acceptable to the large community conversely, we define unethical behaviors as behaviors that are morally unacceptable generally. (Jones, 1991 Trevio, 2006) And in this paper, the ethical (unethical) behaviors refer to the behaviors conducted in companies or organizations.After defining the terms, we base on two theories or processes to explain the effects of ethical leadership on the unethical work behavior, which is consistent with the recent relevant studies about the topic. (Mayer, Aquino,Greenbaum Kuenzi, 2012 Mayer et al., 2009 Brown, Trevio Harrison, 2005 Kirkman, Chen, Farh, Chen Lowe, 2009)Social Learning schemeSocial learning theory posits that leaders influence their subordinates through the process of type-modeling. (Bandura, 1977, 1986) Employees learn what ought to do and what ought not, by observing the leaders behavior s and the corresponding results. (Trevio Brown, 2004).Given the virtue and strength in an organization, leaders are generally perceived as a credible and legitimate role model (Mayer et al., 2012). So by mimicking the behaviors of the ethical leaders, the subordinates would alike be more likely to do things in a morally desirable way. Apart from direct observation on leaders, employees would also pay close attention to behaviors that are rewarded and punished to themselves or others (Brown, 2005), and to do what is rewarded while avoiding what is punished, and thus reduce the unfavorable behaviors. (Trevio Brown, 2004).Ethical leadership highlights on ethical behaviors. So through support ethically as a valid ethical role models, at the same time, encourage ethical behaviors and discipline unethical ones by putting out front proper rewards and punishments, ethical leader can wear a role on preventing or reducing the unethical behaviors in the organization. (Mayer et al, 2012) .Social Exchange surmiseThe effect of ethical leadership on the subordinates behavior can also be explained by cordial exchange processes (Blau, 1964 Trevio Brown, 2004 Mayer et al., 2009). Social exchange is based on the norm of reciprocity (Gouldner, 1960), which means that if one party do something beneficial to the other party, the counter party go out then assume the engagement to do something good as the reciprocation back to the first party. (Cropanzano Mitchell, 2005).So in the alliance of ethical leadership and unethical behavior, ethical leadership defines leaders with characteristics of having fairness, trustworthiness, integrity etc, if employees regarded themselves as being treated fairly and perceived organizational support create a closer relationship mingled with employer and employee, they are more likely to reciprocate these favorable treatment by being more loyal and supportive to their leaders or organizations, thus throw to the woodss to reduce the har mful behaviors (Bies Moag, 1986 Phillips Elkins ,2000 Trevio Brown, 2004).Besides, it is found that if employees maintain a high-quality relationship with their leader, they are less likely to engage in retaliation (Liden, Sparrowe, Wayne, 1997). As ethical leaders are perceived as admirable leaders due to their trustworthiness, integrity and care and concern for others, they are likely to create a positive social exchange relationship with their subordinates. In return, more citizenship behaviors and less unethical conduct will be expected. (Trevio Brown, 2004)So base on the review of the two processes that ethical leadership takes effect, we propose the first hypothesis.Hypothesis 1 Ethical leadership is negatively related to unethical behavior in organization.Power remoteness Orientation as ModeratorPower distance is defined as the extent to which one accepts the legitimacy of unequally distributed role in institutions and organizations. (Hofstede, 1980). And in this ar ticle, the research is on the individual-level, thus the term power distance orientation course (Kirkman, Chen, Farh, Chen, Lowe, 2009 Clugston, Howell, Dorfman, 2000) was adopted.Recent studies and researches in the cross-cultural management field indicates that cultural value orientations, or individually held cultural values and beliefs, have an important role in how employees react to aspects of their work (Kirkman et al., 2009). And compared to other tillage dimension, such(prenominal) as individualism-collectivism,uncertainty avoidance and masculinity-femininity etc. (Hofstede, 1980), power distance orientation, in theory, has a more direct relationship to leadership reactions (Kirkman et al., 2009) or the individuals perception and reaction to authority (Lian, Ferris Brown, 2012).And according to the review of the ethical leadership unethical behavior relationship, we handbill that ethical leadership can influence the subordinators unethical behavior through two proces ses social learning and social exchange. Studies suggest that by influencing the two processes, power distance orientation can act as a facilitator or barriers (Kirkman et al., 2009) to the ethical leadership-unethical behavior relationship.Power Distance Orientation and Social Learning TheoryIn the social learning perspective (Bandura, 1973), subordinates behavior will be influenced by leaders through the modeling process(Trevio Brown, 2004 Brown,Trevio, Harrison, 2005), where the subordinates will take the leaders as their role models, and learn from or mimic what the leaders do besides, the subordinates would observe the reward and punishment to themselves or to the others offered by the leaders to get to subsist what to do or not to do. (Trevio Brown, 2004)On the basis of this, with support from the studies, we argue that the power distance orientation will influence the effectiveness of the social learning in following ways. On one hand, compared to the low power distance o rientation individuals, those who are with high power distance orientations will tend to view their leaders as the ones with high-status (Bochner Hesketh, 1994 Kirkman et al., 2009 Lian, Ferris Brown, 2012) and are superior as well as elite (Javidan, Dorfman, de Luque, House, 2006Kirkman et al., 2009), thus they will be more likely to take their leaders as role models and mimic their behaviors. (Mayer, Aquino, Greenbaum Kuenzi, 2012 Lian, Ferris Brown, 2012)On the other hand, referring to the definition of power distance, we could note that subordinates with high power distance orientation accept unequally distributed power to a greater extent(Hofstede, 1980), thus they will hold a stronger belief, compared to low power distance orientation individuals, that one should not be against but to respect the leaders decision. (Bochner Hesketh, 1994 Lian, Ferris Brown, 2012), which means, the reward and punishment decision made by the leaders would be less likely to doubt and more l ikely to be accepted and followed by the high power distance orientation subordinators.As stated earlier, ethical leadership can have effects on subordinators unethical behavior through the social learning process. And with the present of power distance orientation, we expect the effect of ethical leadership will be affected, compared to low power distance orientation, individuals holding high power distance orientation will be more likely to regard their leaders as the ethical role model and mimic them to behave ethically. Also, they would be more convinced by and learn from the rewards on ethical behavior and punishments on unethical behavior.Power Distance Orientation and Social Exchange TheoryBesides of Social learning processes, the ethical leaderships relationship with subordinates unethical behavior can be also explained by the social exchange processes. (Trevio Brown, 2004 Mayer, Kuenzi, Greenbaum, Bardes, Salvador, 2009). As stated earlier, in social exchange theory and b ased on the norm of reciprocity (Gouldner, 1960), ethical leadership can help to prevent or mitigate the subordinators unethical behaviors when leaders and subordinators are in a positive social exchange relationship with elements such as perceived fairness, trust in leaders, etc. being satisfied. So by affecting these aspects, we expect power distance orientation will influence the ethical leaderships effect.For example, in the perceived fairness aspect, individuals with high power distance orientation will accept the unequally distributed power in a larger extent (Hofstede, 1980), so they will tend to be more tolerant for the unequally treatment and regard it as non unfair (Lian, Ferris Brown, 2012). So we posited that, with the less perceived unfairness, subordinates with high power distance orientation would view the leaders as fair which would result in less undesirable behavior such as unethical behavior (Trevio Brown, 2004).Similarly, in the aspect of trust in leaders or af fection for leaders, high power distance orientation plays a role that subordinates with high power distance orientation are more likely to admit their leaders superiority and elite (Javidan et al., 2006Kirkman et al., 2009) so are more likely to show their respect to and trust their leaders (Kirkman et al., 2009 Sully de Luque Sommer, 2000Lian Ferris Brown 2012). As a result, they will tend to behave favorably for the leaders or even the whole organization (Javidan et al., 2006 Kirkman et al., 2009) and reduce the undesirable behaviors including the unethical behaviors.To sum up the above, we expect the moderating effect of power distance orientation on the strength of the relationship between ethical leadership and unethical behaviors, and as such we put forward the second hypothesis.Hypothesis 2 The relation between ethical leadership and unethical behavior in organization is moderated by power distance orientation, such that the relation is stronger for individuals with high power distance orientation than for individuals with low power distance orientation.3. MethodSample and ProceduresThis study is a quantitative study. Data would be collected in mainland China, the questionnaires will be translated to Chinese and back-translated into English for results analysis. (Kirkman et al., 2009). Sample size is expected to be around 200 subordinates in individuals.MeasuresEthical leadershipReferring to the recent ethical leadership studies of (Mayer et al., 2009, 2012), in this paper, we bill ethical leadership by using the ten-item dental plate from Brown et al. (2005). (See appendix 1)Unethical behaviorTo measure the unethical behavior, we adopt the 17-item-scale used by (Akaahs ,1996) and (Mayer et al., 2012), which was originated from Newstrom Ruch (1975). (See accompaniment 2)Power distance orientationAs this article is on the individual-level, we follow the previous studies (Brockner et al., 2001 Earley, 1999 Kim Leung, 2007 Kirkman et al., 2009) t o use the eight-item linkert scale from Earley and Erez (1997) for the measurement of the power distance orientation. (See Appendix 3) guarantee variablesIn this study, control variables including age, gender, tenure, (Brockner et al., 2001 Kirtment et al., 2009 Lian, Ferris Brown, 2012) we will also control the position factor, which refers to whether the employees hold the role of subordinate and supervisor at the same time. (Brockner et al., 2001).Analysis MethodWe will first use the bivariate regression to test the main effect (Hypothesis 1) and we will use multiple regression to test the moderating effect (Hypothesis 2).5. entryReferenceAkaah, I. P. (1996). The influence of organizational rank and role on marketing professionals ethical judgments. ledger of Business Ethics, 15 605-614. 15 605-614.Blau, P. M. (1964). Exchange and power in social life. New York Wiley.Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression A social learning analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall.Bandura, A. (1977 ). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall.Brislin, R. W. (1980). 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Journal of Management, 32(6), 951-990. doi 10.1177/0149206306294258AppendicesAppendix 110 items Ethical Leadership Scale (Brown et al., 2005)Items will be rated on a scale from 1 (highly unlikely) to 7 (highly likely)Conducts h/h personal life in an ethical mannerDefines success not just by results but also the way that they are obtainedListens to what employees have to sayDisciplines employees who violate ethical standardsMakes fair and balanced decisionsCan be trustedDiscusses business ethics or values with employeesSets an example of how to do things the right way in terms of ethicsHas the best interests of employees in mindWhen making decisions, asks what is the right thing to do?Appendix 217 items unethical behavior scale ( Newstrom Ruch 1975)Items will be rated on descriptive range from 1 Never to 7 Frequently ain useUsing company services for personal useDoing personal business on company timePilfering company materials and suppliesTaking extra personal time (lunch hour, breaks, early departure)Passing blameConcealing ones errorPassing blame for errors to an innocent co-workerClaiming credit for someone elses workBribery tolerant gifts/favors in exchange for preferential treatmentAccepting gifts/favor in exchange for preferential treatmentFalsificationFalsifying time/quality/ measuring rod reportsCalling in sick to take a day offAuthorizing a subordinate to violate company rulesPadding expensesPadding an expense figure up to 10%Padding an expense account more than 10%DeceptionTaking longer than necessary to do a jobDivulging condential informationNot reporting others violations of company policies and rules

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